Cornwall Photographs

We were the last generation who grew up in Cornwall without the internet.

Now aged in our 40’s, 50 & 60’s, this page is a whole hearted group of friends with creative products and ideas to share.

After 25 years of tall hedges, thick grey cloud, southwesterly storms, smokey pubs, carrier bags of mackerel, tales from the sea, never knowing a night like it and your gran always knowing best……. we got mobile phones!!

…..and now we are finally online,

Welcome to our view on the new Cornwall.

Photography is now a huge business with enhancing techniques, we are however still over the moon about the creation of the iphone and the incredible natural light which Cornwall bathes in on its clearest days.

Cornwall Photographs is a collection of pictures only taken in Cornwall on the brightest days when the magic around you is overwhelming.

Join us in our fun exploration of Cornwall in it’s natural state as an enthrallingly beautiful place.

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